Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Power of the P

Companies that feel they can have actual reality through their computers risk survival. Due to the rapid forms of technology evolution some corporations are searching for an easy formulaic equation that will give them control over their interactive stakeholders. Breckenridge in chapter 7 states that journalists and public relations professionals agree whether it is digital or traditional, it all boils down to content. After researching on the internet I consistently found the famous 4 P's: Product, Price, Placement and Promotion. 
Here are the P in Poland Springs:

Product: The quality of pure 100% all natural water is Capable of meeting the needs of its stakeholders.

Pricing: It is not stated on their website, I am assuming because it varies from region to region. 

Placement:This lies withing their website and has been replaced with the modern term of communication.

Promotion: This unique form of eco-friendly nature preservation comes in the form of convenience. Its easy to find anywhere and you can buy it online.

A powerful media strategy is their support for the NYC marathon. You can view the pictures on facebook. Runners drink water and tend to be health conscious so choosing to make themselves personally appear at the NY Fitness EXPO fits into their personality.

I would encourage Poland Springs to launch a campaign detailing how nutritious qualities in pure water can keep the body balance. Creating a presence on weight loss websites and sports or athletic websites and hoping to convert those who may not have discovered the water.

Their product quality of pure 100% all natural spring water is Capable of  meeting the needs of its stakeholders..    

Pricing:   This is a vague public element. As the price changes from region to region and
the availability of home delivery.

Their website fulfills the strategy of Placement product because it has been
replaced with clear constantly updated Communication on their website.

Poland Springs website replaces promotion for Convenience. You can buy it

Its the all about the content. Linking is just exhausting. Today I found an article about a lawsuit against Poland Springs claiming it was using tap water. Due I think its true? I do not know because the internet can not validate the absolute truth. So again a half hour I will never get back. Reliance on RSS feeds will be the biggest mistake for Public Relations. 

A complaint on last weeks post from Poland Spring's Facebook wall from Sue Winer complaining about not getting her coupon in her local paper. Poland Spring reponded by posting that they were sorry and would include her paper the next time they run their ad.

Poland Spring never stated the coupon would be in every newspaper in the country. The social media post was a promotion to look for a coupon in major newspapers. Do you think this stopped wining Sue? No. She went to post how she's from Maine and how could her paper be overlooked. If you go to the page Poland Spring did not respond. They fused her by silence. Something you do not find online.

Congratulations Poland Springs 100% Natural Water! Your awareness in pure human psychology fits right into the digital nature of rocky mountains, green trees and spring water.


  1. RSS feeds seem just good for posting content. Not much else.

  2. I was watching “How the States Got Their Shapes” on the History Channel and a featured state was Maine (water is big there). A nice segment was done on Poland Springs water. It is part of the great history of the state. A marble monument (with an open well) is built over the original spring where water still flows. Made me feel happy to have had a heads up on PS via your blog.

  3. Yes, Poland Springs could benefit from campaigning about the nutritious qualities of water but isn’t this something that is mostly already known? I think they should instead focus on their taste. That seems to be the big difference between each water company.

  4. I think supporting the Marathon is a good step for Poland Springs to bring the idea of their product to athletes where they have competition with Powerade and Gatorade and other such drinks
